
Vahé i Daniel Varujan

Daniel Varujan, el poeta armeni literaturitzat com a Vahé a Quadern d'Aram també està vinculat a la música, almenys per a qui ha preparat aquest vídeo. Ens dóna pinzellades de la vida de l'artista així com de la seva obra ( en anglès i ... armeni, no?). Aquest darrer no podreu pas traduir-lo, però sí aprendre que té un alfabet propi. L'anglès sí, noi? Us proposo aquesta tasca tan senzilla i també que feu una interpretació dels colors que apareixen al vídeo.

After Varoujans schooling in Istanbul he studied in Venice and then at the University of Ghent in Belgium, the largest and oldest in Belgium today.He taught, first in his native village near Sebastia, then in Istanbul as headmaster of an Armenian school. His first book of poems, The Trembling, appeared in 1906. It was followed by The Heart of a Nation (1909), Pagan Songs (1912), and, after his death in 1915, The Songs of Bread (1921).